This course is an introduction and overview of the methods and tools systems engineers use to define, develop, and deploy systems. It serves as a foundation for the other courses in the MS/SE curriculum. During this course, the different components of the system lifecycle will be explored as well as the economic value of systems engineering. The course will convey to students the essential elements of systems engineering including: systems thinking, concept and system definition, integration and test, product and service life management, system development lifecycles, logistics and supportability, and disposal/system retirement. This course is suitable for those who are new to systems engineering or have limited knowledge and/or experience in the field. Students enrolling in this course should have an engineering, science, or mathematics degree and one year of experience in science or engineering, or permission from the student’s academic advisor and the course instructor.Offered by Systems Engr & Operations Rsch. May not be repeated for credit.
Systems Engineering Principles
Host University
George Mason University
Spring 2023
Systems Engineering, Operations Research and Engineering Management
Ali Raz (
Times and Days
Course Information